Rob Sanders
Family Resource Center Coordinator
Welcome to the Family Connections Resource Center!
What is FRYSC?
FRYSC stands for Family Resource and Youth Service Center.
Our FRYSC, called Family Connections Resource Center, is located on the basement (C) level at Grandview Elementary School.
The Kentucky Family Resource and Youth Services Centers were established as part of the historic Kentucky Education Reform Act (KERA) of 1990. Our mission is to minimize or eliminate outside the classroom barriers to learning for our students and their families. We maintain a presence in the building but also work with myriad outside agencies and providers to help direct those in need of services to professionals who can make a positive difference for our school community.
While we cannot offer direct financial assistance, some of our services include:
Assistance with School Supplies
Assistance with Clothing, Shoes, Coats, Hats, Gloves
Assistance with food through our Food Pantry.
Referrals for assistance with housing, utilities and other major life and financial crises.
Family Literacy Nights
Holiday Assistance
Referrals to Health and Social Services (such as Brighton Center, Community Action Commission and others)
Substance Abuse Education and Counseling Referrals
Family Crisis and Mental Health Counseling Referrals
Our services are offered confidentially, at no charge, and without discrimination.