Bellevue Preschool
Birth to 3 Years
Cradle School
Cradle School is offered to parents & caregivers of children ages birth to 3 years old. Preschool teachers are on hand to interact with you and your child in an educational environment.
Parents & caregivers will learn about their child’s developmental milestones and better prepare the children for school. Children benefit by building peer/teacher relationships and becoming more familiar in the school environment.
Cradle School is offered 2 times per month on Fridays from 10am – 11am (when school is in session) at our Grandview Elementary preschool classroom. No appointment necessary.
Future Bellevue Tigers
Bellevue School Board member Julie Fischer provides every identified newborn in the city of Bellevue a Future Bellevue Tiger baby bag. The Future Tiger bag is filled with developmental information for parents, a book, Future Bellevue Tiger onesie and other great materials.
Preschool Students (3-5 years)
Bus Transportation to and from Preschool is offered to all Bellevue, KY residents.
Breakfast is provided for all AM session students, and Lunch for all PM session students.
Click HERE to access the Preschool Menus, under the Grandview Elementary tab.
Hear Our Roar Book Program
All students who attend Bellevue Preschool and are given a FREE book each week.
Bellevue Independent Schools believes in the power of books and literacy in all students and is excited to offer this program.
Books are selected and sent home on Thursday of every week and topics are tied to the topics of the week taught in class. No registration necessary.
Field Trips
Interactive learning experiences are offered a minimum of once per month to allow our preschool students a chance to explore the world outside the classroom.
Examples include:
Cincinnati Zoo
Bellevue/Dayton Fire Department
Bellevue Family Dentistry
Tiger Tots Academy
Parents are our students first and best teachers. Tiger Tots Academy is an evening parent engagement event for families with children ages birth to three. This time is full of fun, learning and chances to win prizes! Family dinner is provided.
Dates are March 28, April 4, April 19 and April 25 from 5:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m.