Congratulations to our High School #TigerPRIDE September Students of the Month....Shaylee Collins and Lineth Quinones-Castillo.

Shaylee Collins - DETERMINATION - Nominated by Mrs. Carr - "Shaylee is a hard worker not just for herself but for her family. She has a 4.2gpa, she works hard at school, has a job, plays sports, and does a lot at home for her family. She is a great student, a great person, and is a great representation of Bellevue determination."

Lineth Quinones-Castillo - DETERMINATION - Nominated by Mrs. McDonald - "Lineth joined our Bellevue family from the country of Columbia and speaks very little English. She is a student in my freshman algebra class. Learning algebra is difficult for most kids, I can't imagine trying to learn the content in a different language. She is so determined to not only understand English (refuses to have notes converted to Spanish), but understand and master the language of algebra as well. She is doing amazing at both! Above all else she is respectful and kind to everyone. I admire her patience, will to learn, and determination to acquire an excellent education. She is my student of the month."