Our Academic Team is off to a great start this season!
The team moved to 3-0 after a 14-13 win at NCC!
Keep up the great work! GO TIGERS!
Last night was Volleyball Senior Night! 🏐
Our three Seniors were honored before the team's match against Bracken County.
Thank you to everyone who came out to support our Seniors!
Congratulations on a great season and a great career at Bellevue High School! 🐅
Today, Seniors heard about scholarship opportunities for college and trade schools.
Vanessa Kurtzer from the Cincinnati Scholarship Foundation presented information for over 140 different scholarships for Seniors in the Greater Cincinnati area!
🐅 2024 Homecoming Dance 🐅
Picture retake day is this Thursday, 10/17. This is for any student who did not have their picture taken, or would like a re-take.
🐅 2024 Homecoming Parade 🐅
This week is Digital Citizenship Week!
Check the link below for helpful information on how to help your student be a safe and effective digital citizen!
On October 16th, Bellevue Independent Schools are coming together to celebrate Unity Day. This is a featured event during National Bullying Prevention Month, with a simple call to action: wear and share orange to send a visible message of building community through kindness, acceptance, and inclusion. Along with wearing orange, we are also spreading awareness by participating in random acts of kindness in the community and at school. Wear orange and let's unite against bullying together.
#LoveTheVue #TigerPride
Each year, we work to make sure every student in our school receives the support they need to achieve success and experience positive outcomes on our campus. Ongoing screening in both academic and social, emotional, and behavioral functioning can identify students that need additional support to increase their academic performance and improve overall well-being. Screening tools help school staff develop effective plans and allocate resources at the school, class, and individual levels. We will administer the Youth Needs Screener on WEDNESDAY OCTOBER 16TH which is completed by students in grades 6-12 and is available at the school for your review. Please click the link below to complete:
It's Scholastic Book Fair time this week! Dates: Oct. 14th-18th during school hours Family Night Thursday, Oct. 17th, 3:00-6:00 PM Online shopping: https://www.scholastic.com/bf/grandviewelementaryschool20 EWallet: https://bookfairs.scholastic.com/content/fairs/how-ewallet-works.html?fairId=5636626 Get excited and find a good book!
Bellevue Middle and High School will be collecting items for the victims of Hurricane Helene in North Carolina this week. Please check the flyer below for more details.
#LoveTheVue #TigerPride #IADOU
Estimados Padres y Tutores,
Nos complace anunciar que el Distrito Escolar Independiente de Bellevue participará en la Encuesta Juvenil de Incentivos para la Prevención (KIP) de Kentucky este otoño. La encuesta está financiada por el Departamento de Salud Conductual, Discapacidades Intelectuales y del Desarrollo de Kentucky. La encuesta está diseñada para evaluar el consumo de alcohol y drogas, así como otros factores de salud conductual, entre los estudiantes de los grados 6, 8, 10 y 12.
La encuesta KIP informa a los líderes escolares sobre los problemas de los estudiantes, destaca las preocupaciones e inicia acciones. La identificación temprana y la respuesta a las necesidades de los estudiantes aumentan las posibilidades de un impacto positivo y duradero.
El Distrito Escolar Independiente de Bellevue está participando en este importante proyecto en un esfuerzo por reconocer y satisfacer las necesidades de salud y bienestar de nuestros estudiantes. Por ejemplo, de nuestra participación en la última administración de la Encuesta KIP en 2021, aprendimos que la prevención del uso de sustancias y la salud mental es una necesidad crítica para nuestros estudiantes. A su vez, el distrito pudo recibir la subvención del Marco Estratégico de Prevención, que financia al equipo I³: Inspirado, Individualizado e Inclusivo y sus iniciativas.
La participación en la encuesta es opcional y los estudiantes no serán penalizados por no participar. La encuesta es completamente anónima y confidencial. Los nombres de los estudiantes no están incluidos, y la información recopilada de la encuesta no se puede rastrear hasta estudiantes individuales. Los estudiantes completan la encuesta en la escuela durante un período de clase designado.
Una hoja informativa y un formulario de permiso (https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSchmoIc3gS6JZ2fVps39AUFDKWY5-N9RWcUn2-SYnMVU2hF5w/viewform) acompañan a esta carta. Le animamos a que apoye este proyecto completando el formulario de permiso y aceptando que su hijo participe en la encuesta.
El cuestionario de la encuesta está disponible para su revisión en la oficina principal de la escuela de su hijo. Si tiene preguntas sobre la encuesta, comuníquese con Danielle Carr en danielle.carr@bellevue.kyschools.us o Sarah Sharp en sarah.sharp@bellevue.kyschools.us.
Dear Parents and Guardians,
We are pleased to announce that the Bellevue Independent School District will participate in the Kentucky Incentives for Prevention (KIP) Youth Survey (https://www.kipsurvey.com/) this fall. The survey is funded by Kentucky’s Department for Behavioral Health, Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities. The survey is designed to assess alcohol and drug use, as well as other behavioral health factors, among students in grades 6, 8, 10, and 12.
The KIP Survey informs school leaders about student issues, highlights concerns, and initiates action. Early identification and response to student needs increase the chance of positive, lasting impact.
The Bellevue Independent School District is participating in this important project in an effort to recognize and meet the health and wellbeing needs of our students. For example, from our participation in the last administration of the KIP Survey in 2021, we learned that substance use and mental health prevention is a critical need for our students. In turn, the district was able to receive the Strategic Prevention Framework grant, which funds the I³: Inspired, Individualized, Inclusive team and their initiatives.
Participation in the survey is optional, and students will not be penalized for non-participation. The survey is completely anonymous and confidential. Student names are not included, and information gathered from the survey cannot be traced back to individual students. Students complete the survey at school during a designated class period.
A fact sheet and Consent Form (https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSex4exjqPbzWsbha8vU8HInOR2jqAZ8xqyr7DdCPTkq4Cm-wQ/viewform) accompany this letter. We encourage you to support this project by completing the permission form and agreeing to let your child participate in the survey.
The survey questionnaire is available for review at the front office of your child’s school. If you have questions about the survey, please contact Danielle Carr at danielle.carr@bellevue.kyschools.us or Sarah Sharp at sarah.sharp@bellevue.kyschools.us.
Before the Homecoming game against Dayton on Friday, the Bellevue High School 1999 Football Team was recognized for the 25th anniversary of their undefeated regular season.
They were the only team in Northern Kentucky that went undefeated during that regular season with 12 wins. They are one of only two teams in Bellevue High School history to finish the regular season undefeated.
This team were also District and Northern Kentucky Athletic Conference Champions that year.
Congratulations to our Homecoming Court! 👑
Homecoming King and Queen - Brayden Sizemore and Courtney McCarty
First Runner Up - Jose Palencia-Urdaneta and Shaylee Collins
Second Runner Up - Marcelo Herald and Estella Trabacca
Thank you Tigers for an amazing Homecoming! 🐅
Get ready for a big week of Bellevue sports! 🐅 GO TIGERS!!
#LoveTheVue #TigerPride
We want to thank the Bellevue High School Class of 1984 for attending the Homecoming game on Friday!
They also received an exclusive tour of BMHS to see all of the new renovations, share timeless stories, and see their team pictures!
After all of the fun on Homecoming Friday, the Class of 1984 celebrated their 40th class reunion at Charity Hall on Poplar Street and had a wonderful time catching up!
Once a Tiger, Always a Tiger!
Please vote for your Bellevue Tigers Football Team AND #2 Jordan Pendleton! 🏈
They are nominated for the Tri-State Football Gold Star Team and Player of the Week!
Voting ends Wednesday at 12:00 pm (noon).
Team - https://tristatefootball.com/2024/10/vote-team-of-the-week-week-8-5/
Player - https://tristatefootball.com/2024/10/vote-player-of-the-week-week-8-5/
Let's show that Tiger Pride and vote vote vote! Please share too!
The paddle is HOME where it belongs! Congratulations to our football team for winning the annual Battle for the Paddle 42-0 over rival Dayton! #TigerPRIDE
Congratulations to your Bellevue Tigers! 🐅
42-0 winners over the Dayton Greendevils in the annual "Battle for the Paddle" game!
#LoveTheVue #TigerPride